Saturday, February 6, 2010

Capharnaum - Fractured

Like most technical/progressive death metal bands coming down the pipe nowadays, Capharnaum continue the fast growing tradition of making unpronounceable band names. They also fall into one of the two trends for these bands and that's generally making mind blowing music or making aimless over the top wank. Thankfully Fractured is a dose of the former.

Now before I discuss the music I must point out that this is a side project of Matt Heafy of Trivium fame. Yes, you read that correctly. Trivium's front man performs the vocals on this album and the usually pansy screams that he pathetically belts out are no where to be found on this record. It really sounds like he's giving it his all here. He enthusiastically goes through the lyrics with a familiar sounding voice but and unfamiliar sense of balls, for the lack of a better word.

The guitar work is simply inexorable. Though the progressive elements are there, the riffing is the sort of heaviness that you come to expect from death metal, which is more than what I can say for bands like Necrophagist that have higher pitched guitars that sound nothing like death metal. I'll give them some major points for nailing that sweet spot between tones. The solos are blistering exciting and a few effects here and there to wrap up solos or start up songs are quick to grab your attention and not let you even think of nodding off during the album.

The rhythm section is a tale of two instruments. While the bass is inaudible, Jordan Suecof wails on the drums for all he's worth and shows he can hang with the big boys in the genre. His long intricate fills and just general solidarity in a tech death band is a testament to the man's talent. His brother on one of the guitars also performs vocals on some of the later tracks and I'm guessing he also performs lead vox on touring while Heafy is off playing with his cash cow.

Anyway, this 2004 effort still stands today as a great example of good tech death, and don't let Heafy at the top of the line-up fool you. This band is one to check out.

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